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Installed PAKITA sirens on sites

Our sirens are sold internationaly, notably in Europe, in the Caribbean, in Africa, and in Asia.

Here below, are some recent examples of their installation in France and in the Caribbean.

Tourcoing, France
Paris, France
Pakita Sirens in Guadeloupe, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Guadeloupe, France
Grabels, France
Paris, France
Pakita sirens in Guadeloupe, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Guadeloupe, France
Pakita sirens in Guadeloupe, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Guadeloupe, France
Pakita siren in Lorient, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Lorient, France
Pakita siren in La Tour du Crieu, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
La Tour du Crieu, France
Pakita siren in Riom, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Riom, France
Pakita siren in Naujac sur mer, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Naujac sur Mer, France
Pakita siren in Issoire, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Issoire, France
Pakita siren in Narbonne, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Narbonne, France
Loupian, France
Hauts de France, France
Pakita siren in Montpellier, France, Moteurs Fox, France/USA
Montpellier, France
Bastia, Corse, France
Hotel de ville de Pau, France

PAKITA Electromechanical warning sirens to alert and protect people to natural, technologic or nuclear risks, weather disasters, floodings, tornadoes, fires, explosions, terrorism, terrorist attacks. Civilian protection, civil defense, Home land defense, curfews, Seveso disasters, Air Raid Sirens, Moteurs FOX, France/USA.

Contact FRANCE:

Moteurs FOX Sarl - Immeuble Forge Bellevue

27 rue Franklin Roosevelt - BP 10131





​Tel: +33 3 20 01 73 76

Fax: +33 3 20 01 80 29

International Contact:

PAKITA Sirens International Representative

Customer Services, Web Communication

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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